Monday, July 19, 2010

Hello friends... :)

Just call me ena.. I'm going to start this blog by sharing the secret of happiness..
Well...the key is LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.. Then I'm sure you'll have total wellness in your life.. In order to have that here's some tips to be a happy person!!

1) Search for a true friend!
You've got to find friend that is understanding and the one that you can count on. The more the better!
They are the one that will stand by you when you're having problems and they're also the one to share all your joys.
Once you've had your true friends, all your sadness will slip away.

2) Eat healthy foods!
Healthy foods are crucial. You are what you eat, so if you eat healthy, you are healthy.
Eat variety of foods. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals. Food that is low in fat content is good. Unless that fat is poly-unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, or omega 3 that are good fats. Some of the bad fats are trans and saturated fats. These fats raise your LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol. The good fats lower your LDL cholesterol and raise your HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol.

3) Exercise!
Do you know that frequent and routine exercise everyday helps boost the immune system.
This meansit helps prevent the disease of affluence such as heart disease, diabetes, cardio
vascular disease and obesity. Exercise also improves mental health and prevent depression.
Note that doing house chores is not exercise! That is only for improving blood circulation.


  1. Wah, Ena bg tips kesihatan. ^^
    perut saia agak kedepan sedikit...bagaimana ya..?

  2. Healthy Lifestyle from Total Wellness book eh? ^^

  3. ena,interesting post :) i think we all need to be happy mentally physically academically spiritually and all the appropriate adverbs you may consider. hahaha love the pictures!
